A Wellness Way Of Life 10th Edition Quizzes About Yourself

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A Wellness Way Of Life 10th Edition Quizzes About Yourself Average ratng: 8,8/10 6098votes
Gwen Robbins

Chapter 14 Understanding Substance Abuse and Addictive Behavior A Wellness Way of Life Ninth Edition Robbins/Powers/Burgess © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved. Chapter 14 Objectives After reading this chapter, you will be able to: Name the three common elements found in addiction. Describe how addiction starts in the brain. Identify the most abused legal drug in the U.S. List five factors that affect alcohol absorption and list three reasons why women can get drunk faster than men.

Trove: Find and get. A wellness way of life / Gwen Robbins, Debbie Powers, Sharon Burgess. The new edition of A Wellness Way of Life utilizes innovative. Loose-leaf Edition: ISBN-13: 978-1-111-99038-1. ISBN-10: 1-111-99038-7. 20 Davis Drive. Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning. You may want to ask yourself: Of what value are a nice. Way of life requires a constant and deliberate effort to stay.

Differentiate between low-risk alcohol use and high-risk alcohol use. Define binge drinking. Identify the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at which a person is regarded as legally drunk. Describe the “Zero One Three” Rule for Lower-Risk Drinking.

List the harmful effects of alcohol on the body and how to help a friend who has passed out from alcohol overindulgence. © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved. Chapter 14 Objectives List five tips/strategies for drinking less or not at all. Identify the number one cause of preventable death and health problems in this country.

Identify the health hazards related to passive smoking. Identify the most common illegal drug used in the United States and the drug the government lists as its top priority on the war against drugs. Describe psychoactive drugs and their categories: cannabis (marijuana), stimulants, narcotics, depressants, psychedelics, and inhalants. List four common kinds of nonprescription drugs that can lead to physical dependence if overused and describe how prescribed drugs can be abused.

Describe the danger of using dietary supplements containing ephedra (ephedrine). © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.

Addiction A pathological or abnormal relationship with an object or event with three common elements: Exposure Compulsion Loss of control Any behavior or substance can become an addiction, e.g., gambling, food, shopping, sex, work, etc. © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved. Drug Dependence as a Disease The disease can be described. The course of the disease is predictable and progressive. The disease is primary. The disease is permanent.

The disease is terminal. Key questions: Is the drug causing any continuing disruption in my life or the lives of those close to me? Billa 2009 Hindi Dubbed. If the answer is yes, but the person doesn’t stop the behavior, could be harmful dependence! © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.

Lego Batman 2 Dc Superheroes Nds Rom Free Download here. Addiction and the Brain Addiction is a brain disease with a genetic basis. Neurobiological changes accompany the transition from voluntary to addictive behavior and alter the brain’s pleasure circuits. The pleasure circuit communicated with dopamine, a neurotransmitter creating a pleasant feeling. Drugs of abuse increase the concentration of dopamine in the brain’s reward circuit. Because of the increase, the brain decreases dopamine receptors which results in an overall decrease in dopamine in the brain.

Install Task Scheduler Windows Xp Embedded Drivers on this page. Therefore, pleasure decreases, resulting in a higher amount of the drug to produce the same effect. © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved. Addictive Personality Not confirmed by research, but a genetic link for alcoholism has been found. Family environment is the most important component. Who is vulnerable?

Those who have: Low esteem, sense of alienation, unable to accept comfort, need for instant gratification, rebel against authority, enjoy dangerous behavior, lie easily, are perfectionists, fear personal criticism, overly concerned with how others perceive them, tend to be submissive and dependent, and have high levels of negative emotions. © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved. Alcohol Alcohol is technically known as ethyl alcohol or ethanol. It is a central nervous system depressant drug.