Atmosfera Tiempo Y Clima Barry Chorley Pdf Reader

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• Part of the book series (ESE) Abstract The objective of this work is to identify the main factors influencing the dispersion of air pollution in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Zone (ZMG). To this end, we analyzed the behavior of atmospheric pollutants, the speed of the winds and the presence of thermal inversions (IT) over the past 10 years. Phase Diagram Calculation Program For Mac. The results showed that during the early hours of the day, the dominant factors are the influence of IT and the frequency of calmer winds (winds between 0 and 5 km/h), which do not allow the dispersal of pollutants in the area. Past the noon (12:00 h) the solar radiation increases the temperature of the bottom layer of the IT, reaching the equilibrium temperature that breaking the IT, thus starting the dispersion of pollutants. This process occurs in addition to the increase of the wind speed in the afternoon, generating horizontal dispersion to the outside of the ZMG, possibly affecting the Toluquilla Valley.

In conclusion, the dominant factors in the dispersion of air pollutants in the ZMG are thermal inversions and the wind speed.

Atmosfera Tiempo Y Clima Barry Chorley Pdf ReaderAtmosfera Tiempo Y Clima Barry Chorley Pdf Reader

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