Beginning Chess

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It's never too late to learn how to play chess - the most popular game in the world! Learning the rules of chess is easy: Step 1. How to Setup the Chessboard. Download Pinball Games here. At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. Accel Dfi Thruster Software Download. The opening of the game is the beginning phase. It is when you are trying to control the centre of the board and get your chess pieces out from their starting positions to more aggressive posts. In his excellent book, The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings, Ruben Fine gives ten rules to bear in mind when starting a game of.

Beginning Chess Board

What is chess strategy? The art of chess strategy is knowing how to formulate a plan for the chess game, and arrange your chess pieces to accomplish this plan. The chess strategy outlined below will get any new chess player on the road to understanding correct chess opening strategy - how to control the chess board from move one.

Later you will discover many to aid in further improvement. Introduction to Chess Strategy Beginning chess players discover very quickly that learning how the pieces move is only the tip of the chess playing iceberg.

It's usually after several moves of a typical chess game that the question arises, 'What now?' Here we will discuss general chess principles in the chess opening. This page will provide you with some very simple, easy guidelines in chess strategy for playing the chess opening.

Aimed at beginners who know only the, there is no talk about specific openings or strings of moves to memorize; only general chess strategy principles to think about when starting a chess game. Later you'll notice that on occasion (rarely) it's best to ignore a principle of chess strategy in the opening; nothing here is carved in granite. But for right now, these chess tips are excellent to follow during the first few moves of your game. The underlying principle of chess strategy in the opening phase is control of the board's center squares.

These are the four squares right in the middle of the chess board (shown here in green): Every chess opening aims to occupy or control these central squares. In chess geometry the center is important because each chess piece exercises maximum mobility in the center. Here's an example using only the Kings and a Knight for each side: The centrally placed White Knight can move to eight (green) squares; it attacks and controls them.

But the poor Black Knight in the corner only has two (yellow) squares, its mobility cut by 75% - plus the White King, attacking eight squares, can move in (red arrow) to capture the Knight. Notice that even the Black King has only three squares (yellow arrows) under control. Center occupation and central control, getting the King castled to safety; these are the two principles of chess strategy behind all popular chess openings. Below are some typical chess opening moves, which illustrate the back-and-forth fight to dominate the center squares.