Bufr Decoding Software For Windows
All Collections - Search all of the collections listed below at once. Technical Reports - Scientific and technical (S&T) reports conveying results of Defense-sponsored research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) efforts on a wide range of topics. Collection includes both citations and many full-text, downloadable documents from mid-1900s to present.
Doug Schuster Gregg Walters July 22, 2010 Updated 14 October 2013 Kevin Manross USING THE BUFR DECODING SOFTWARE FOR SURFACE DATA IN THE NCAR RDA DATASET DS461.0 (NCEP ADP GLOBAL SURFACE OBSERVATIONS, DAILY OCT1999-CONTINUING) Here is a list of the bufr_configdecode. Guide to WMO Table Driven Code Forms: FM 94 BUFR and FM 95 CREX. These edition changes require an update to BUFR or CREX encoding or decoding software.
AULIMP - Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals. Subject index to significant articles, news items, and editorials from military and aeronautical periodicals, with citations from 1988 to present. BRD - Biomedical Research Database. Developed from federally funded research, testing and training programs; updated annually. Congressional Budget Data (CBD) - Congressional Budget Data Provides detailed search and analysis capabilities across the military departments and agencies for Research Development Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) data.
DTIC's PDF and Excel spreadsheet versions of Congressional Budget reports are available shortly after postings on Thomas (Library of Congress) website. DoD Labs and S&T - Allows users to query the DoD laboratory community or other sites identified as related to S&T organizations. DTIC Online - This search queries the DTIC Online Public Web site. NDIA - National Defense Industrial Association Conference Proceedings. Collection of presentations from NDIA-sponsored conferences. RDDS - R-2s furnish narrative information on Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) programs and Program Elements (PE Numbers) within the Department of Defense (DoD).
SCAMPI - Staff College Automated Military Periodical Index. Database of articles on military and naval science, operational warfare, joint planning, national and international politics, and other areas researched by Joint Forces Staff College from 1985 to present. WHS - Washington Headquarters Service.
Department of Defense (DoD) Issuances (current and cancelled), Joint Staff and other U.S. Military (i.e., Army, Navy, Air Force) service publications, Administrative Instructions, Directive-Type Memorandums and DoD Forms. Accession Number: ADA297902 Title: BLIRB Visualization and BUFR Encoder/Decoder Software User's Guide. Descriptive Note: Final rept. Jul 94-Apr 95, Corporate Author: BATTELLE MEMORIAL INST RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK NC Personal Author(s): Avara, Elton P. Full Text: Report Date: JUL 1995 Pagination or Media Count: 543 Abstract: The eight-stream extension of the Boundary Layer Illumination Radiation Balance Model (BLIRB8) provides direct and diffuse radiative fluxes at each grid point in a physical BLIRB8 space.
This physical space may contain several regions of aerosol concentration (clouds, smoke, fog, etc.), ground level areas of varying albedos, flares, and a searchlight. BLIRB8 inputs are in a file comprised of several records containing the necessary input parameters.
These records are complex and require each parameter field to contain a valid input. VISUAL was developed to provide a user-friendly graphical user interface for building the input file and graphically displaying the BLIRB8 output flux fields in an interactive mode. All BLIRB8 inputs (except a savefile name) can be selected using the mouse. The keyboard may be used for hotkeys. School Law 34th Edition With Websphere. The BLlRB8 radiant flux output file may be encoded using the World Meteorological Organization code form FM 94IX Ext.