Download Jviewer.jar
Nifan I fully agree I have the same sorts of problems. And even when it is working, it is sluggish, tent to be in VIDEO-ONLY mode all the time, does not respond correctly to screen refreshes and resolution changes etc etc etc Supermicro’s driver/download site has horribly outdated versions of the firmware and I was lucky to find a German site that had a newer version of the IPMI2/BMC firmware for my X8SIL-F board. NJ This blog helped me a lot not to waste my time any more. Too much effort and time had been already taken for this ridiculous problem. Motivated and encouraged with all your comments here, I finally decided to use kickstart to install Linux on my X8SIE motherboard.
So far seems promising although in progress. However, just for those who still want to or have to use the IPMI console, I would like to share what I found. In particular, the JRE 6u10 version seems fine on X8SIE (at least the screen was not broken). So the situation is even worse in the sense that each motherboard model seems to have its own different working version of JREwhich is crazy.
Because of this I have tried getting the viewer to run despite the security warning, but I can't get it to work. I tried only downloading the Win32.jar and opening this, but that didn't work. I also tried setting the security settings and clearing Java Cache, that didn't work either. The security settings look like this. Java web start - Unable to load resource. I've got a jar that loads great with java web start when I browse through the IP address of. To re-download the file.
Grzesiek NJ: AFAIK there is no problem with ipmi console, at least I have never had any. There are only problems with the iKVM viever. If you use ipmi console over serial or over SOL, there is no any issues. Just special keys don’t work like on local console, but this is standard behaviour on serial consoles. I see only two possible reasons to use the iKVM viever: – first because it allows you to use virtual storage with is usefull especjally for initial system bulding – second it is like KVM so you actual see the server console even in graphical mode From the other hand did someone try to connect to the VNC port on IPMI module, maybe if one could know the exact parameters needed to establish connection there would be no need to use the iKVM at all?:). Even though this post and thread were started 3 years ago the problem remains.
I have newer and older supermicro all with latest ipmi firmware and I still have all these problems people have mentioned all the time. WebGUI won’t work until I downgrade to JRE 6 update19.
So I have to use IPMIView but that only works when I use older versions of that! V2.9.6 works reliably fine on all my Supermicro’s. However when I upgrade to the latest version which is I think v2.9.25 I get that stupid blank java console. Downgrade and it works again. 100% reproducible. Trouble is SuperMicro doesn’t have that older version posted as far as I can tell. So I have to make sure I have a copy saved for when I need remote access from a new PC.
Download Pc Wizard Portable 2012 Olympics. Also as others have stated, I almost always have to reset IPMI first in order for the console to work at all regardless of versions. Yet another frustrating problem. Considering the times that I really need to use this are during emergencies it’s quite unacceptable.
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