Garmin Topo Canada V4 Download Free
Pattern Making A Comprehensive Reference For Fashion Design Pdf. I was finally able to get a copy of the map that should have been pre-loaded on your Oregon and it seems to be working for me. To see what might be going on specifically in your case I've got a few questions. If you check on the Oregon what does it say the name of the map is? (Setup ->Map ->Map Information) 3. Can you please let me know what *.img files are loaded on the Oregon. If you browse to the Garmin folder on your Oregon what are the names and approximate sizes of the img files?
For example on the US 450t that we have in the office there is a gmapprom.img that is about 2.7 GB, a gmapsupp.img that's about 65 MB and a gmaptz.img that is. Topo Canada v2 2. Gmapbmap.img 50,444 KB gmapprom.img 3,548,608 KB gmapprom.sum 1 KB gmaptz.img 591 KB (this might be the NW Trails map) 3. It reads the gmapprom file (red progress bar), about 5 seconds to complete and then appears to hang on the All Data bar (green progress bar) at about the 20% mark. Green bar loops (starting at the left and gets as far as the end of the text 'All Data').
Task manager shows 0% CPU. I've let it run for 5 minutes without change. If I then shut down BaseCamp and restart it, it reads the gmapprom again (5 sec) and the All Data bar completes in 1 sec. But no sign of the Topo map being available. After getting a copy of the base map I can get read failures intermittently.
I know this isn't a long term solution but while I continue investigating you may wish to temporarily rename gmapbmap.img when using the device with BaseCamp. Alternatively, if you copy off the gmapprom.img to any USB device or SD card and stick it in a Map or Garmin folder you can load the map that way (plus you'll get the benefit of faster xfer times vs the USB 1.1 connection on the device). I'll see if I can come up with some other way to make the device work as is with these maps, but the fix may need to wait for a future version of BaseCamp.