Nxt Programs For Tribot Review
In this maze solver the robot follows a left hand rule. The program works in two phases. In the first phase, the robot samples the entire path, stores the x and y co-ordinates of the path and creates a map of maze in the memory. Given two consecutive points, the program also calculates and stores the direction of the robot at each point. Then the program calculates the shortest path by cancelling out the U turn samples and the samples in opposite directions.
Within the software, a panel on the right side, called the robo center, guides you through building the 'tribot' model in virtually the same manner as the printed.
In the second phase, the robot actually follows the shortest path. During path following, the robot samples the path again and whenever the direction of two consecutive points falls apart from the expected direction (which we got in the first phase) the robot aligns its direction accordingly. Maze solver being a complex topic for me, I decided to start with a simplest maze first (check the video). The program is inspired by the video.
The main reference for finding the shortest path is. The code for this program is given below. The program works with DifferentialPilot and PIDController classes supported by lejos.
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It then applies the shortest path algorithm over the direction. In the second phase robot followes the shortest path. Here is a small clip showing the Line Follower performance and the LeJOS code associated with it. The design of the Java program is heavily influenced by the Line Follower in the book 'Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java'. The actual algorithm to follow the line is influenced by Line Follower.
The LeJOS program has four classes: LFJfedor, Cruiser, LFUtils and LineValueHolder. The LFJfedor class contains the main method and is the starting point of the program. This class initializes the light sensor and calibrates the sensor for Black and White values. The black and white values are stored inside a Java Bean called LineValueHolder. LFJfedor class also starts the thread Cruiser. The Cruiser class has the algorithm to follow the line, given the calibrated black and white values and the light intensity at any given point in time. LFUtils class calculates the average light intensity over 20 samples, at any given point of time.