Scratch Off Serial Number Gun
I was thinking that on EX snippers with partial scope numbers present that by bringing out the old numbers a more accurate listing could be accomplished. Yea no dout if all the numbers were gone someone would call Elliot Ness.Once had a client who (nearly) got in trouble over an H&R Snake Charmer (or maybe it was IJ - whoever it was that made the Snake Charmer).
The digits are punched into the metal and that changes the grain structure. Forensics has been able to read it for 30+ years. New guns have the serial number in multiple locations and might even have it hidden inside the composite with a passive RFID. So scratch away all you want. You'll just add a little. If it was from a cop originally, the “S/N”, may actually have been some other departmental number (badge number, officer name, etc). That sort of number can be removed legally. It sounds like this gun has been in circulation for quite some time, so I would not presume by default that it's the S/N that's been scratched off.
Scratched off ID number on Gun!! My quick glance at the Code of Virginia showed me that it is illegal to remove or deface the serial number on a gun, but I couldn't find any law against possession. What part of 'It's a Federal crime to possess a gun with a defaced serial number' isn't making sense? Ignite Keygen Torrent.

Two problems for him - one was the cops measured the barrel wrong and decided it was less than 18'. That was pretty easy to fix, just showed them the approved method of measurement (from ATF publication) and got them to remeasure and the problem went away. Cops don't always know much. Second problem was the serail number was scratched, or rather part of it was. That I sweated over.
Defaced serial numbers, if done intentionally, are serious trouble, and that was the position the cops were taking. After getting the DA to send his investigator over to the evidence locker with me, he agreed that the scratches were clearly from the gun being banged around an besides, you could actually read what the whole number was, so the DA decided not to accept the case. But I sweated over that one a bit. So did the client, and he decided to abandon the gun to the cops - i susepct it wound up in one of the cars for use on things that needed killing but didn't rate a more serious gun.
To my knowledge, all of the existing procedures to retrieve obliterated nomenclature on firearms are considered essentially destructive. Yet physical destruction would normally be a moot point. In most jurisdictions, altered or obliterated firearm serial numbers or other related essential identifiers, effectively place the gun in the category of contraband. As such it would have been constructively destroyed by inability to legally possess it. Further, it would be administratively subject to forfeiture and actual destruction.