Star Trek Windows Spracherkennungssoftware
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When I go to play Star Trek Online on Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate after a few seconds of play it lags/rubber band/freezes @ first I was thinking because im on satellite internet that the 1,000 or so ping was the issue but after looking a bit deeper what happens what happens in that post is a good explanation of what happens my networking basically dies all my messengers disconnect and comp network connections stay's frozen untill I close the game. But on the other hand I have my backup e-machine on windows xp connected to the same router and it can run it okie without network spazzing. So I have come to the conclusion windows 7 is having issues. Some things I have tried removing virus scanner completly and any other programs I think would monitor or control networking, disabled microsoft virus scanner ect connected the modem straight to the on board networking card and another add on pci card incase the nvidia card on the board was trying to do something tried disconnecting all the protocols on the networking connection that windows 7 has that windows xp does not have (Link-Layer topology IP6 ect) and tried to recreate the windows networking environment as close as I could. So what can make the the networking connections completely freeze up until the star trek online client is closed it's like the connection is being flooded with data.
I just end up resetting the connections IE changing a property on the connections to force it to reset making the STO client go back to the log in screen instead of it's patcher witch takes to long to wait for it to start wait for the network to stabilize and re log back in and wait for the inevitable rubber banding to start all over again. I have tried running Windows Virtual PC XP Emulator for windows 7 but it uses default drivers and I tried to load star trek online with it but it crashes. It needs to recognize the hardware without using defaults. But I tried starting STO up with the Affinity for 1 processor in windows 7 1 of the 6 in the 6 core AMD Phantom CPU and so far (Only tested it for a few minutes might change on a long term test) But seems I have found the Answer after going though so much STO either doesn't like 6 core processors or the game needs better support for 6 cores.
Will try running Affinity for Dual and 3,4,5 and see how high it goes before it overdrives again. As running it on 1 processor has no noticeable effect on game play and speed, But images/chars load a lil slower and map changes can @ some point seem to hang. But for now I shall claim this as the answer.until it hangs again. (Edit) After hours of playing I have confirmed it Affinity for 1 processor fixes it, although the game loses a lot of speed from the other 5 cores although my friend who plays it has a 6 core system and it works fine for her she Don't have satellite internet like I do I had to make a few adjustments in sto options to compensate for the lag (It gets worse the longer the game runs). Affinity set to use 2 or more processor cores ends up killing the network so my final conclusion if Microsoft wanna simulate the results to get a fix/patch or issue @ hand is the combination of 3 factors listed below. (Windows XP x64 and Windows 7 x64 both tested on this computer and both Networks lock up so it is not Operating System dependent issue although the fact networking freezes at all is.) 1. Satellite/latency Internet connections.
Star Trek Online. 6 core processor. (the Ability to use more then 1 core without an issue with sat connections) June 26, 2012 (Update here for those wondering how this turned out, after I have read so many posts elsewhere, were the person with the issue never came back. How To Install Efashion Universe Wallpaper. Now On Verizon Fiber Optic Internet have not had any issues with sto as yet. Download Suara Sirine Ambulance Mp3.
I was wondering maybe it could simply be a hardware incompatibility for all I knew and I could still have this issue with a new ISP but and STO = No Love only it seems. Still think STO or Microsoft should explore how it manage to freeze networking connections in the first place if they have a spare minute for others or security in general).