Install Itunes Linux Debian Repositories

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Install Itunes Linux Debian Repositories Average ratng: 7,7/10 2331votes
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May 12, 2012 I have ipod nano 8gb and it does not work with debian/ubuntu because iTunes is not available for Debian. No way to download OS again,so I decided to install Linux. Mar 31, 2016 The command to download a repositories for linux ( apt-get install ) and then the nmae of the program. Linux mint repository on debian - Duration: 2:03.

The add-apt-repository command is part of the software-properties-common package in Debian 8.x (jessie). Rhymester The Best Of Rhymester Rare there. Sonic Robo Blast 2 Download Mac. Once you've installed software-properties-common, you'll have add-apt-repository available and you can use it to add PPA repositories. Note: Be sure that the packages you're installing are compatible with Debian. If the packages are only available for Ubuntu and you need to install the package that is the 'best match' to your Debian release, you'll need to adjust the appropriate repository entry, for example to change the release from jessie to utopic or vivid (by default, the repository will be added with the release name that matches your Debian release, as you'd expect).

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For example From: deb jessie main deb-src jessie main To: deb vivid main deb-src vivid main.